Tintas Penetrantes

Penetrant Testing

The penetrating test method is one of the most commonly used non-destructive tests in the industry. Its versatility and ease of application make this technique the one preferred by a large part of the industry. Additionally, when applied correctly, the penetrating ink allow us to detect a wide variety of defects such as pores, pitting, cracks produced by fatigue or thermical stress and leaks in hermetic containers, among others.

- Visual

- Fluorecent

Although great training or extensive experience is not required for its use, it is always recommended that this technique should be applied by a certified inspector as Level II under a recognized international standard (CP-189, NAS-410, ISO-9712), since the results obtained in each test depend totally on the rigor and care that is taken during all the steps of the inspection. Likewise, the interpretation of the results, often requires some experience, and depends on the material to be examined. Most of the internationally accepted standards such as ASME, API and AWS; and maintenance manuals for some equipment (Boeing, Airbus, Bell) require certification of the personnel performing the inspection.

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