Energy Generation

Energy Generation

We diagnose equipment and parts of power generation systems, such as boilers, turbines, compressors, heat exchangers, among others.

We diagnose the conditions of turbine wheel wheels and compressors, axes, pipes, carcasses, by using the techniques of penetrating inks, magnetic particules, ultradound and eddy currents.


ISOTEC has experience in conducting Non Destructive Inspection and Boiler Integrity Assessment by the execution of the following activities:

  • Review of the general drawings of the boiler to identify the distribution of the components on it.
  • Review of records of operational and historical variables of operation, water treatment and maintenance.
  • Fault history analysis, to prevent trends.
  • External visual inspection of the boiler, including steam pipes, insulation, housing, structure, insulation, component supports, silencers, valves, instrumentation and domes.
  • Internal visual inspection of the boiler, mainly to the internal walls of the lining, banks of power pipes, collectors, supports, baffles, spacers of the banks of
  • Determination of the percentage loss of thickness of the remote field induced fields.
  • Remote visual inspection (Videoscopic inspection), Low pressure (LP) and AED, to determine superficially what by the current method of the relevant indication.
  • Measurement of the thickness profile of the power pipe tubes (HP, LP and DEA), collectors and lower heads, connection pipes and steam domes, using the E-pit technique, induced currents, by the external part of the tube
  • Determination by means of the test of Penetrating Inks, visible and / or fluorescent, of the condition of the tube-head connection welds.
  • Surface defect with visible and / or fluorescent magnetic particles of the pipe-collector connection fillet welding units.
  • Determination of corrosion under insulation (CUI) using the technique of ecological pulse currents, without the need to remove the insulation, in capacities up to 2 inches of insulation of any material.
  • Non-destructive metallography (in situ) and hardness measurements, ignition of superheaters 


  • All inspections and examinations are carried out by trained and qualified personnel according to the applicable international standards
  • The use of calibrated equipment and standards with traceability to laboratory standards according to ISO 17025 is guaranteed.

For any additional information or inquiries please do not hesitate to contact us….