Estructuras metálicas

NDT training

Diciembre 9 y 10   Visual Inspection Level II
Diciembre 1 y 2   Introduction NDT methods
Diciembre 3 y 4  Penetrant Testing

To take into account:

  • All the course programs are dictated from 08:00 am to 05:00 pm
  • Certificate of attendance, refreshments and lunch are included

For more information and registration please contact, or tel (+571) 4673767 ext 110

CourseInvestment without IVA
Visual Inspection $770.000 COP
Penetrant Testing $935.000 COP
Magnetic Particle $990.000 COP
NDT in complex materials $ 2'200.000 COP
NDT Currents $1'700.000 COP
Basic NDT Methods $300.000 COP
Ultrasound $1'870.000 COP

Non-Destructive Testing, nowadays, represent an indispensable requierement in the quality assurance of industrial products and technical structures during procurement, construction and service. It allows the in-depth examination of the components to detect properties or defects without affecting their usefulness or their commercialization.

Tests Methods 

ISOTEC provides the training service at a theoretical and practical level so that the worker acquires qualification to work on the applications of the Test Methods by:

  • Visual Inspection
  • Penetrating inks
  • Magnetic particles
  • Radiography
  • Interpretation of radiographic plates
  • Ultrasound
  • Ultrasonic Thickness measurement
  • Eddy currents
  • Thermography

The development of the topics and duration of the courses are carried out according to the requirements for the preparation of the personnel, new students require qualification for initial certification, in other hand experienced personnel need complementary training (recurrent).

The topics have been planned based on the document of the ASNT CP105 to ensure that the worker achieves the learning that allows him to obtain the competence as a qualified NDT inspector.

Staff Qualification

ISOTEC offers the qualification management service for certification endorsed by the authorized level III, in the test method that is required for the performance of the worker in the non-destructive testing methods applicable in your company. the personnel interested in qualification must demonstrate compliance with certification scheme requested for level I, II or direct level II according to SNT TC 1A or NAS 410.

Location of courses

ISOTEC S.A.S., Carrera 71B No. 55 – 18  neighborhood Normandía, Bogotá D.C., Colombia.

if you wish to obtain the training in your company, don’t hesitate in contact us, send us an e-mail to or to the telephone +57 (1) 467 3767 ext: 110, 111 o 115 communicating the method of interest, number of attendants and place were the service is required.

We invite you to separate your quota for the method in which you are interested sending an e-mail with your contact information or directly by telephone. The course will be scheduled as soon as possible after the minimum group is completed, we will confirm the information of the details such as date, time, value, etc.

Requirements (training)

Requirements that inspectors must meet for certification qualification:

  1. The qualification for certification is carried out in accordance with what is established in written practice according to SNT - TC - 1 A.
  2. The examinations will be administered by inspector NDT level III, in the method, fulfilling the requirements indicated in the reference document.
  3. The following chart illustrates the requirements that the inspector must fulfill for qualification:

Note: The certification of the inspector Direct for level II is for the ones that requiered it without taking level I.

The qualification is endorsed by an ASNT level III in the specific essay method. ISOTEC will emits the certification of qualification in the approved level II as a support for the authorization that the employer provides to the inspector of Non-destructive Testing

For the emission of the certificate, it must provide the following documentation that prove fullfillment of the requierements:

  1. Copy of the proof of completion of a formal training course in the test method. It will be supplied by Isotec once the course is finished and if it has participated at least 80% of its duration.
  2. Approved results of General Exam, Specific Exam and Practical Exam, each minimum with 70% and average 80%. They will be presented by the candidate for certification and administered by a level III in the method. (In case of not approving any of the three exams, the inspector may repeat it after reviewing the weak points of his knowledge and obtain with the new minimum average result of 80% .The additional value of One Hundred Thousand Pesos must be canceled. cte. ($ 100,000) for the presentation of the new exam.)
  3. Evidence of compliance of experience accumulated during his work career in the application of the method provided by the contracting company. It is supplied by the contracting party.
  4. Certificate issued by professional of the medical area of ​​aptitude in natural near visual acuity or corrected in at least one of its eyes (Letter Jaeger # 2) and chromatic differentiation (Test of Ishihara). It is supplied by the contractor.